Oleksandr Stryzhak
Mayakovskogo 8b | +380674454065

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Oleksandr Stryzhak


AI Becoming helpful

What is artificial intelligence? Hear the term artificial intelligence (AI) and you might think of self-driving cars, robots, ChatGPT or other AI chatbots, and artificially created images. But it's also important to look behind the outputs of AI and understand how the technology works and its impacts for this and future generations. AI is a concept that has been around, formally, since the 1950s, when it was defined as a machine's ability to perform a task that would've previously required human intelligence. This is quite a broad definition and one that has been modified over decades of research and technological advancements. When you consider assigning intelligence to a machine, such as a computer, it makes sense to start by defining the term 'intelligence' -- especially when you want to determine if an artificial system is truly deserving of it.

Contact Oleksandr Stryzhak

Address: Mayakovskogo 8b

Phone: +380674454065
Email: chip@iland.link
Business Hours: 8 AM - 5 PM